A caring, professional approach

My name is John Cohen. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and have been  providing therapeutic services for over 30 years. My career experience includes many years as a wilderness therapist, including Clinical Director,  psychiatric hospital clinician, and a clinician in the juvenile justice system. I also lived in Costa Rica for two years developing and directing an adventure therapy program for young adults. My many years of experience working with adolescents,  young adults, and parents has shaped my knowledge and belief in the absolute value of quality planning to solidify the treatment process. My passion for promoting successful family systems combined with my extensive experience makes me an excellent choice in supporting you.

I offer a variety of services that can help any client, parent, or family. Having worked at various programs over the years, I have learned a lot about what it takes to heal and avoid some of the pitfalls. I have an ability to get to the core of the issue and see what is really going on. I have a very honest and direct approach and consider myself a straight shooter.